FSTR errata
The counter HQ/76.PzK must have entry turn 1.1 (the Axis Reinforcement Card is correct)
In the Axis Reinforcements Card on Turn 1.1 the Afkl/26.Pz counter must have movement factor of “8” and not “7” (counter is correct)
In the Axis Reinforcements Card the footnote C should be read:
C – any hex on the North edge of map n.2, even adjacent to the enemy; these reinforcements are in supply at the end of the impulse of their arrival and check the supply only in the following impulses.
In the Allied Reinforcements Card the footnote relating to the VIII Army (Br) should be read:
VIII Army (Br) – Army Supply terminals or Bari Port Box. If the entry hex is enemy occupied, reinforcements can come from adjacent hexes; these reinforcements are in supply at the end of the impulse of their arrival and check the supply only in the following impulses.
In the BARRAGE TABLE all modifiers are cumulative
RULES OF PLAY (changes highlighted in bold)
UNIT ABBREVIATIONS add to the Axis abbreviations “Afkl: aufklarung (reconnaissance)”
2.1 Allied Player
at any time but not later than 5th game turn, 24 or more Allied supplied steps exit from the North side of the map n.2, along any road
All Decisive Victory conditions are alternative
at any time within the end of the 10th game turn, 24 or more Allied supplied steps exit from the North side of the map n.2, along any road
All Marginal Victory conditions are alternative
2.2 Axis Player
All Decisive Victory conditions are alternative
3 – GAME COMPONENTS - The Counters
(page 4) Most units have a reaction (delete: level) range in hexes, a white number in a red box.
Delete the sentence “Units that end up in the sea, in the mountains or above enemy units lose 1 step of force and automatically moves by 2 hexes”
Both players, at any time during their impulse segment and once per impulse, may activate units for free for up to 3 stacking dots as long as they all start from the same hex.
A unit (or stack) may be attacked (and attack: delete) simultaneously from all hexes surrounding it
If the results allow, the same attacking units may engage a new combat (14.3.4 Penetration - delete: Breakthrough);
14.3.1 - RETREAT
The retreat path must be towards his own supply (delete: depots) sources and can be of either 1 or 2 hexes (hexagons - delete), defender’s choice.
This advance may trigger a Reaction movement and an artillery, naval or air bombardment.
17.1 - SUPPLY SOURCES - Seizing depots
Delete the sentence “If this happens, the depot is permanently removed from the map and can no longer be used”
22.1 - ORTONA
Axis Set Up: 1.FJ (div): on Gustav line between Castel di Sangro and Casoli (excluded) but including the two Gustav line hexes on the hill between Casoli and Sangro River
Axis Reinforcement of impulse T 4.2: unit III-31 is III-361/90.PzG
The fortifications of the Gustav line are fully operational at the beginning of the scenario.
22.2 - SALERNO
Axis Set Up: Axis units that have set up in the Rome area and in the Formia area (3.PzG, 26.Pz and 15.PzG) instead enter as reinforcements in the T 1.3 impulse
Reinforcements: use the Reinforcement Cards only for the reinforcement units of turns 1 and 2 with the exception of the two Axis units “Reg/15.PzG” and “B/15.PzG” which are excluded from the scenario.
The fortifications of the Gustav line are fully operational at the beginning of the scenario.
EXAMPLE OF PLAY - page 22 - Axis Segment – fourth paragraph
The Axis then rolls two dice, gets a ‘9’ and adds the (delete: battleship’s) armoured bonus, +1, total 10.